Market Harborough 2018 Maiden Voyage for Mavis

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Market Harborough 2018 Maiden Voyage for Mavis

Postby lord13 » Mon Jul 16, 2018 9:14 am

This years MH has been a source of frustration for me for many weeks, mainly the HB4D had engine issues....many, many engine issues, that I finally got sorted...kind of... but was still unsure whether it would get there, and then I couldn't go on the sunday as planned because of a inconsiderate little angel that wanted to go to her friends birthday party, so me, being the 'superdad' that I am, relented and changed my attendance day to the Saturday .
Then, a week before the show I changed cars, I know...bit last minute, but the deal had to be done. :)

So anyway, I had a week to weld on a wheelarch, a wing, a few patches to a sill, paint and prep the car...oh and fit a rear seatbelt...the seatbelt was done on the saturday morning, cutting it fine yeah?

So off we went, merrily cruising along, everything going fine, ( except a small intermittant hesitation, more on this later) until just outside Oakham, when the fan bet started to squeal. So I pulled into the co-op carpark to see if I could fix it.
Oh god it was hot down there...i melted my arm on the exhaust, burnt my other arm on the rad... so i decided i could put up with the squeal till i got to the show so i could let it all cool down a bit before going down there again.
so off we went, after putting an extra tenner in the tank as it looked like it was using a bit of fuel. ( possible warning sign)

So we turned off the A47 onto the road to MH the B6047. (Still hesitant, still missing, still squealing) when we had about 7 miles left to travel there was a funny sound from the engine bay, a kind of twang and a slap, and something hit the underside of the bonnet I think, and the ignition light came on.. so uh-oh, that's the belt then :(

I don't know why, maybe it's the recklessness in me ;) ( for recklessness read 'idiot' ) I decided to push on, the wind speed would keep it cool right?

So I hit traffic, broken down horseboxes, tractors, and inconsiderate cyclists and on average managed about 30mph grrrrrrrr :x

So after nearly missing my turn and upsetting an Audi driver with my swift exit from the B6047 I finaly got to the showground, came through the gate (engine very very hot) got to the entry fee bit, and told the guy my issue and could he 'hurry the f*** up before i cooked the old girl' ( i was obviously a lot more polite than this but i was stressed) . He suggested i turn off the engine, might not start again, nothing charging the battery you know, so he trundled off to get change... from Leicester I assume 'cos he took so long...then he needed to get me a map....and write out a day pass......(engine is really very hot now) ... then after escaping him i hit the photo guy queue . . . .oh my god... how slow? at billing we just drove past the photo guy...this Market Harborough dude must be new to this! finally it's my turn, he asks me to stop, i shout 'No way she's cooking up' as I jerk past . I swing into the viva club stand, ask some guy if I can park next to his, but he directs me to a different spot that requires more maneuvering, but not too much...i'm stressed remember..all I wanna do is stop. But I duly park in the allotted space and kill ( not literally hopefully) the engine. Whew.

From then on it was a pretty fine day, chatted with lots of people, some great friendly sorts who were helpful, especially the people in the estate we were parked next to, and Marcus Cooper, who gave me a fan belt to use which held all the way home, thankyou mate :) ....can't believe the autojumble had none for my Magnum :(

Actually I was pretty disappointed with the autojumble, it was a bit 'sparse' ... but anyway we had a good day.

So after wandering around and taking a few pictures ( not many as a) I couldn't see my screen 'cos of the glare from the sun, and b) a lot of them turned out all 'bitty' as i'm assuming the sun and the heat caused my phone to boil up as well as my engine ) I returned to the car to fit the fanbelt, I also was going to investigate the poor running, so after fitting the belt, i went to remove the dizzy cap, damn those spring clips were tight, seriously tight, i considered getting a screw driver to prise them off, then I thought, with my luck i'll probably break the damn thing, and I then also noticed It looked as if the car was running electronic ignition so I coudn't have messed with anything anyway, so I left well enough alone.....Oh if I had only taken that cap off, I would have sorted out the running issue in a second...hindsight huh.... :|
Anyway whilst being under the bonnet, a familiar voice ( a mate from Melton ) said...whilst laughing, 'not your day is it? bonnet up, fiddling under the engine, and a flat tire !'


'You've got a flat mate...totally flat'

Sure enough n/s rear totally flat, so was my spare...and i didn't have a jack. What happened there then? it was ok when I parked up. but now was a pancake? jeez.....

So I got out my portable pump and set it to work, all the while my mate from Melton laughing saying that is never gonna fill up...but it did, and after buying a can of tyreweld from the extortionate petrol station at the next roundabout, it held all the way home. :) finally a break...sort of...

She ran like total *Bleep* all the way home, missing, chuffing, running on 2 or 3 only , seriously jerking us around, spluttering and coughing and generally having a fit at any hill ...oh and needing yet another stop at a petrol station because of how low she was getting...I can only assume i was leaving a trail of un-burnt fuel all the way home :(

well...remember the missing? remember me deciding NOT to take off the dizzy cap? yeah... I do too

I took off the dizzycap later in the day, after a little nap to clear my head and get over the whiplash of the drive home. The metal spring tab on the rotor arm was twisted and bent right over to one side, I can only assume that when the cap was fitted after the accuspark was put in, it must've caught the contact and pushed it somehow, I straightened it out, and took the old girl for a spin, she didn't miss a beat, ran beautifully...

If only I had took the cap off earlier :oops:'s the few pics I took . . .









Oh I bought a t-shirt from the club stand as my daughter had an 'accident' on the back seat ( yeah I know, I gotta wash the bloody seat too...good job its hot innit) and when we got home, she wanted to try out her new 'tybo' tie-dying machine . . . . .
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Re: Market Harborough 2018 Maiden Voyage for Mavis

Postby Colin » Mon Jul 16, 2018 12:21 pm

Wow, what an adventure! (and such a brilliantly told story :lol: )

I'm so glad you and Mavis actually made it to the show and home again without serious mishap or damage. It's such a relief when a suspected serious problem turns out to be an easy fix!

I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you and say hello, Mitch. But it was a brilliant weekend wasn't it! :D

I think the tie-dyed tee-shirt looks great and really 'in-period' 60s psychedelic! Maybe your daughter would do some more of them for club sales? :D
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Re: Market Harborough 2018 Maiden Voyage for Mavis

Postby 1972nail » Mon Jul 16, 2018 2:21 pm

WHAT.....???? Mavis and you and Colin Barret were all there...... and I missed all 3 of you! Maybe next year.

Love the tee shirt. :D
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Re: Market Harborough 2018 Maiden Voyage for Mavis

Postby lord13 » Tue Jul 17, 2018 7:41 am

Thanks guys... I'll get my daughter to run off a few hundred for next year then yeah? It's actually not a bad Idea to get some done really, they look great don't they 8)

Sorry I missed pretty much everyone...but as you can see I had 'issues'...

The car is eating fanbelts, The one i fitted is now much thinner than it was, very very loose (stretched? lower in the pulley because its got thinner? nothing has moved on the brackets as far as I can tell), and missing pretty much all it's teeth and there is rubber dust and lumps all over the under tray :( More investigation needed, but i'm guessing incorrect alternator fitment??? pulleys not in line??? They look ok, but they could be out of line, hard to tell to be fair, and I'd've thought if there was enough deflection to cause a stripped belt it would be more noticeable?

I will have to start a thread on the old girl, get these issues sorted, I have a deadline, Vauxfest in september (i've missed Billing :cry: ).
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Re: Market Harborough 2018 Maiden Voyage for Mavis

Postby Colin » Tue Jul 17, 2018 9:07 am

1972nail wrote:WHAT.....???? Mavis and you and Colin Barret were all there...... and I missed all 3 of you! Maybe next year.

Love the tee shirt. :D

I'm sorry I missed you too, David. I hope you enjoyed the show and had good trips there and home again. I briefly saw Griff Hatchman in 0SA100R while he was waiting to drive into the arena but didn't really get a chance to chat.

I spent most of my time with the Viva GT display. So many people to talk to! I should have spent more time on the VVOC and DSG areas and tried to find you.

As you say, we'll have to make a point of catching up next year. :D
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Re: Market Harborough 2018 Maiden Voyage for Mavis

Postby 1972nail » Tue Jul 17, 2018 10:06 am

i'm guessing incorrect alternator fitment??? pulleys not in line???

A friend recommissioned a Magnum recently and had exactly the same issues. However he was not as diligent as you and broke the belt and his spare belt too, on a Sunday, 100 miles from home and in a foreign country!

The alternator would spin OK but as it warmed up a bearing got tight and it became hard to drive, wearing out the belt. Unfortunately I was away on holidays when he called at my house for help but my very kind neighbour helped him out with taxis, recommended repairers etc. A new alternator fitted the next day by a local classic car guru sorted it out.

Worth investigating in your case I would say.
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Re: Market Harborough 2018 Maiden Voyage for Mavis

Postby lord13 » Wed Jul 18, 2018 8:35 am

That is a good point, if the bearing is seizing up when hot in will happily strip the belt. I don't think it is that though as I have taken everything off the front end to investigate... which took a lot longer than i expected :( bloody viscous fan coupling :x

I ended up removing the rad, which involved turning it 90 degrees to enable it to clear the afore mentioned fan assembly, then using a wide welding clamp on the pulley I managed to crack off the nut that is hidden between the fan and pulley, took a while... but once cracked it spun off by hand...bloody thing. Then i removed the pulley itself along with the crank pulley and the alternator ( which turned out to be easier to remove the bracket holding the alternator first, then take the unit off the bracket. Mainly because someone had used incorrect bolts in the alternator that were about 3 inches long and winding off a nut at a rate of two clicks of the ratchet on every turn in the limited space i had was more than i could bear).
I cleaned all pulleys with a fine wire brush ( the water pump pulley had what seemed to be a ring of rubber in the vee, which i removed, I can only assume that this was the remains of the previous belts, fused by heat into the vee) and replaced the nice clean items on the engine, using correct, or at least shorter, bolts in the alternator :) .
I fitted a brand new gates belt and tightened it up correctly, and put everything back together, refilled the rad and fired her up. No squeal, no vibration on the belt, all looking good...took her out for a spin and everything was good :) I'll keep an eye on it for now but i'm going to put this one down to 'pilot error'. The car was hastily put together when I picked it up, I hadn't checked the belt tension before bringing it to MH and it hadn't really turned a wheel for around 8 years apparently. The engine looks to be a rebuilt affair, and I just assumed that all was good and tensioned correctly ( i have checked the cam belt tension now as well...all is good there thankfully) and fitting the replacement belt to get me home from MH, lying on the grass chatting to everyone, I guess I could've not tightened everything up properly, or not checked the tension of the belt quite as well as I would have at home... either way, i'll keep a close eye on this new belt and see if it starts to disintegrate...and i'll keep a few belts in the boot just in case :D
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Re: Market Harborough 2018 Maiden Voyage for Mavis

Postby Fred Dukes » Wed Jul 18, 2018 9:39 am

All goes with the pleasure of going out in a 40 year old car :lol: - when you have 6 cars on the road it can keep you on your toes.
Probably the kiss of death to say this but only used my AA twice in the last 20 years - when Rufus - HC 2300 - front brakes seized on at the 1st filling station on the M1 coming back from Billing and had to be relayed home - and when Snowy my white estate decided to not distribute its sparks on the way back from my shed - I had a proper AA man, old school, found the rotor arm had gone short circuit :shock: - went to his van and came back with a mini rotor arm saying "we can prob adapt this - there is no spring metal to rub on the centre brush but the spark should jump the gap - also the locating tab is 180 degrees out to the viva one so if we swap the plug leads round...…!" As he said that there was a blur of hand movement and he said "there try that" - I turned the key and it all fired up :o
With that he said that should get you home - when you put a Viva rotor arm on when you get home don't forget to change the plug leads back again! :goodideasign:
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