Ignition on, indicator stalk right, and the appropriate dash light comes on but doesn’t flash - indicating a light out.
Rear indicator comes on but doesn’t flash, front indicator does not light.
Left indicator works fine.
Checked bulb - looks okay and checked for continuity - okay.
Tried another bulb just in case - still nothing.
Checked indicator unit, 11.5v when turn signal is on.
Earth to indicator unit is okay.
Checked the + with the turn signal off and it seems to be shorting/earthing (connected to negative, whatever you call it in car terminology).
Disconnected the external connection on the bulkhead and tests okay towards the indicator unit, shorting/earthing into the passenger compartment.
Removed the steering wheel shroud and disconnected the indicator stalk, tested the green/white wire going away from the stalk and it is shorting.
Disconnected the flasher unit and tested green/white wire and shorting.
Any likely causes for this?
It could be that I’m doing something completely wrong here as electronics are not my strong point.
I am going to try a bulb at the conmector on the bulkhead just to make sure I’m not barking up the wrong tree.
Any advice is appreciated!
I feel like I may have to actually take this to somebody to look at.