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Engine,running gear, Dashboard and headlamp change on H/C

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 9:58 pm
by Doss backup
looking for some expert opinions on a few points.

Any advice would be appreciated. I am considering buying a car but want to know what problems could be thrown up by the alterations I would ideally like to make to the car.

1. I plan to replace the original 1.3 engine with a 2.2 lotus twin cam which I believe, "WELL HAVE BEEN ADVISED" will go straight into an H/C and possibly will also marry straight onto a 2.3 box and prop etc. Does anyone know if this is infact the case. Or would I be better sourcing a 2.3 slant for the job?

2. Can I simply just replace the diff, brakes and suspension for the 1800 or 2300 versions. Is it as simple as take of the old and replace with the new or are there likely to be problems here?

3.Can the dash on an H/C be change from the old horizontal speedo type dash to the seven dial dash, replacing the entire dash without having to alter anything? assuming I have already done the engine transplant etc.

4. Can the square headlamps be replaced with the twin headlamps without too much hassle or alterations to the bodywork ?

I am asking for a lot of information but hopefully I am asking the right guys. Dont want to start something I will regret later.


PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 9:58 pm
by pbottomley backup
Well not 100% on this one, but the seven dial dash and the ribbob speedo ocupy the hole in the dash (as my dash is from a seven dial one. the only issue i found was that the ashtray and the top of the ribbon speedo were blocked by some of the mouldings on the back of the replacemnet dash, its just needs some tin cutters and some thinking its no major issue.

I do know that the front subframe MUST be changed for a 1800 / 2300 subframe as its stronger.

cannot answer on the other bits but i am sure others can help

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 9:58 pm
by Doss backup
Ok thanks
Doesnt sound too bad. I had a 1800 GLS H/C when I was 18 ( 14yrs ago now ) and am as you can imagine trying to feel my way back into getting another car as a rolling project now that the kids are off the knee so to speak.
Thanks for the info.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 9:59 pm
by Droopsnoot backup
A few thoughts:

On the engine transplant, I think sticking the Lotus twin-cam is quite a job but not impossible. Most I have seen use something like the Getrag five-speed box, though as this will fit onto the standard single cam engine it implies the reverse, i.e. the twin-cam will fit the standard gearbox. Only thing is that the standard gearbox is rubbish and can hardly take the power of the standard single cam engine - there's a reason that the racing cars used more solid gearboxes like the ZF. It's not a quick weekend job, I'm pretty sure.

The running gear uses the same body mountings as far as I know. One key thing that I didn't know until recently is that the rear upper trailing arms are longer on the small-engined cars (because the diff body is smaller) so you need to get these arms from the donor car. The front subframe is possibly stronger, but it will have stronger springs and dampers, so again get this from the donor. Better still IMO, renovate the donor car if at all possible.

Dash isn't so bad, as long as you do the complete job. Rememer that on the strip speedo dash you have switches in the base of the speedo surround which will have nowhere to go when you put the seven dial dash in place. Magnums, Firenzas, Viva GLS etc. have a centre console and associated wiring for these. The HPF light switch is on a bracket because it doesn't have a console. You might need some wiring changes for some of the stuff like the clock (which won't work anyway in a seven-dial dash) and the voltmeter. I did this in an old 1800 Firenza which had the twin-dial dash, and it's not a bad job if you're handy with wires. Paul's correct though - there are some metal mounting panels in the dash surround that might need modification. I thought the ashtray mount would unbolt from the same screws used to secure the warning light panel, but it's a long time since I've checked.

The mounting plates on the front panel are different for the rectangular lamps as opposed to the twin round lamps. You could probably modify them *I think*, but you might need to add some metal to get the mounts in the right place. It's a while since I've seen one.

At the recent Billing show you could have got answers to most of these. Brian Burkinshaw was in his twin-cam Sportshatch which would have covered some of it, and I'm sure there were plenty of cars where you could have compared front panels for the light information.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 9:59 pm
by Doss backup
Thanks for the info you have helped a lot. I am getting the picture I may have to put some seroius time aside and plan the transplant fairly well. I suppose I can try and get a ZF box and then mock it to the engine and prop etc before fitting. The man who gave me the info on the twin cam transplant actaully has owned a few firenzas in the past and aslo a Droopsnoot. he told me that the job was a bit of a pain but he said and I quote "while you are under the car do something that you will enjoy once you re-surface" he now has a garage as a business. Maybe I,ll ask him for a price for the job hee hee. Finding a donar car thats in very good condition is the biggest problem I have and transferring the running gear will I think be a more simple job for me than welding and and re-spray - possibly cheaper also. I decided to settle for the fact I would almost inevitably need to take wh at I can get and just run with it. working on the basis that If I have a good shell I am starting at least not having the rust worries etc.
Thanks again