lots of cars /projects for sale on Evil bay at the moment

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lots of cars /projects for sale on Evil bay at the moment

Postby Bobby Dale » Sat Feb 05, 2022 2:17 pm

Hi all long time no post, just thought i would note to all that there is quite a few Viva products on sale on E Bay now. there is two different , Firenza's both 72/73 era' a lefty 1256 and an original 1800 SL some HA's and a couple of two door HC's just missed the HB GT sold in last couple of days for approx £8,500.00 nice rebuild that just needs finishing is a driver, needed tune and carbs sorted , interior a bit gone Hey Fred maybe you have the bits in the shed for that.
Still around may see you around some of the shows, will have storage soon so watch this space you never know
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Re: lots of cars /projects for sale on Evil bay at the momen

Postby Fred Dukes » Sat Feb 05, 2022 4:31 pm

Hi Bobby nice to hear from you - yes there are a few about for sale on the various media sites - if you pick things up which you might interest the members stick them in the area "eBay Adverts" - mind i think you may need to be a member to access that area :roll: :lol:
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