1800 gls 4 door manual project for sale

It is with deep sadness that I must part with my unfinished project 1978 HC Viva 1800 gls 4 door. Mileage is 90 thousandAll the welding has been done professionally and recorded, the filler and paint has been done professionally (however I'm dubious about that guys professionality) as some of the contours aren't quite right and there is some micro-blistering on o/s wing and roof. Having said that, the roof is in primer still as there is a vinyl roof to fit and the car has now been stood, garaged, for 9 years. It is a rolling shell, with all new parts and upgrade parts already purchased. Seats are as new as they were removed from the same model in the early 80's and stored properly. Basically it just really needs putting back together, although I remember the engine had some crank rattle on start-up. Interior is what I'd call biscuit and exterior is Coppertone Starfire. Mot and tax exempt.
Located Bangor in North Wales, PM me or call 07496584768.
Located Bangor in North Wales, PM me or call 07496584768.