spares day pre gathering and spares day 8th and 9th of March

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spares day pre gathering and spares day 8th and 9th of March

Postby psl » Tue Feb 19, 2008 9:24 pm

As it has been mentioned, a small gathering shall take place at Mr Bottomley house on the 8th of March in readiness of bargin plucking at the spares day it`s self. To easy said mentioned people into the right frame of mind much tea and coffee drinking (the odd bacon sandwich has been mentioned) shall take place throught out the day, as people arrive.
Come the hour the gathering shall make it`s way inside, to where curry shall be ordered :twisted: a customary bring some beer is always good, as this always helps take the edge off a good garlic chilli chicken :wink:
Once much story telling has come to an end the issue of rising from the depths of your pit at the reasonable time of 6:30, yes as in 6:30 AM shall take place :shock: thus enabliling to mobilise the troops and make it down to the spares event in good time, as in we need to get to the event by 7:30 detour to the nearest Mc D`s may take place on route for nibbles.
Please remember to bring your sleeping bag, pillow and blow up bed. Sleeping quaters will be first come first served with the sofa and spare room being amongst the most desirable. Gas masks are optional but recommended :wink: as is smoking robes, as this is a none smoking house so without your robe nipple-us-errectus may incur.
Be safe, behave and come and enjoy
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Postby pbottomley » Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:08 pm

Thanks Mum
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Postby hbpeter » Wed Feb 20, 2008 8:02 am

And so endeth todays lesson. :shock:
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Postby mrs bulldog » Wed Feb 20, 2008 8:56 am

yes we'll be there although i'm not sure about the 630am start!!!you also forgot to mention earplugs to drown out marcus's snoring just ask ralph how loud it was last time at the last sleep over!!!!!(not so bad for me i'm used to mikes snoring but poor ralph hardly slept)
sarah ex wife of mike (bulldog)

a viva widow in the making.....if you can't beat them join them!!!!
hc estate,magnum,firenza,hb.......ANOTHER one mike??
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Postby psl » Wed Feb 20, 2008 4:12 pm

well unlike some hotel Bottomley only comes with one large and one small room :wink: and no onsuite :(
The early rise is to make sure we get to the spares day on time, dont forget, we`ve got to get up, clear up and at least down 2 cups of coffee before an exit is made from the hotel. Get to the spares day, set up and all by 9am. Dont forget we, Paul, Andy and i (and anyone else is welcome to sell their parts) are holding a stall on the day so need to be there and ready for the 10am opening. Those that come and help set up shall be rewarded with the rich first pickings from the event before the public enter :wink:
If the head count does get too high room at mine will be made available. As long as you dont mind getting up close and personal with the big ginger moose, who patrols the down stairs parameter of our home each night. Also 3 very loud animals (some call children) are registered at this address, although they are for sale so could disappear at anytime
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Postby psl » Thu Mar 06, 2008 8:51 pm

Off to the cash and carry tomorrow, for the beer :twisted: any wants? Going for the stella x2 48`s should see us right? anyone for wine red or white shout now
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Postby Clara » Thu Mar 06, 2008 10:51 pm

Have a "wonderful" time everyone! :lol:
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Postby mrs bulldog » Fri Mar 07, 2008 9:12 am

you not coming clara??
sarah ex wife of mike (bulldog)

a viva widow in the making.....if you can't beat them join them!!!!
hc estate,magnum,firenza,hb.......ANOTHER one mike??
mrs bulldog
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