Xmas *Bleep* up in Oxfordshire

Tell us all about what's happening and what you did

Postby Edd_V6 » Thu Sep 21, 2006 5:31 pm

Xmas Do, Your always welcome to come to my place could be interesting I think I actually own more Viva’s to look at than the club had at its National rally so there is plenty to do. Unfortunately I don’t have a yellow transit though. If you do decide to join us for lunch don’t forget to get Adrian’s permission first we don’t want to accused of poaching and get reported to the VBOA

Edd Viva Outlaws.
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Postby AUTOMAN » Thu Sep 21, 2006 6:19 pm


I would be delighted to accept you kind offer. I need nobodys permission to go where I wish. If there are 100 clubs dedicated to Viva's, I would be proud to be a member of all of them. I do hope however, that sometime in the future and hopefully the sooner the better, what has passed may be forgotten. Past polotics have nothing to do with me. I am interested in the long term survival of the Viva, making as many friends as I possably can.

If I upset people, then I am truly sorry, as this is and never was or will be my intention. I only treat people the way that I would hope to be treated. I will not be a pawn in anybody's game, but if your offer is genuine, I would love to come to your Christmas lunch in the spirit of friendship between all Viva owners and enthusiasts.

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Postby pbottomley » Thu Sep 21, 2006 7:17 pm

Oi farty Pants... gona hide the "shuush or I will have to kill you car " if we come all along?

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Postby rachel » Fri Sep 22, 2006 12:44 pm

Hey Edd - will there be free beer???
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Postby Clara » Fri Sep 22, 2006 6:27 pm

Wooo!! CHristmas at Edds! LOL

I'd invite you all here but I think there'd be up roar at a vege christmas meal. :lol:
Three cars, two fire engines, one steam roller, a wheelchair, and various sized hammers.... what could go wrong?!
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Postby AUTOMAN » Fri Sep 22, 2006 7:27 pm

For some reason all has gone quiet on the Ed Christmas lunch thing. I am so dissappointed as I would have loved to meet him and seen all of his cars, it must be some big problem parking over 30 of them outside his house not to mention the cost of insuring them all. Please Ed, give us the details? we will all come, we can turn it into a charity event, it could be called "A DINE FOR INDEPENDENCE". Lol...

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Postby Edd_V6 » Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:04 pm

Hi Ian

Nice to talk with you, will have to pop down to Wales to see you been away in my shed so no computer access till today. Our local club has our X-Mass *Bleep* up about 2 weeks into December, we don't take our cars due to the excess amounts of alcohol that get consumed, it would be to confusing coming out and just seeing a car park full of viva's and trying to remember which one is yours just by touch and colour.
Would have probably met up with you at Luton on the 8th except we have another *Bleep* up to go to with the drivers club that weekend.
I have many places in Oxfordshire to store my various cars so no problems there...Insurance what’s that then ?
I even have a 6 berth caravan that i can tow with me viva too....i used to tow an old 76 abbey but they are heavier but that’s another thread i think...
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Postby pbottomley » Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:27 pm

Would have probably met up with you at Luton on the 8th except we have another *Bleep* up to go to with the drivers club that weekend.

Its a *Bleep* up :shock: COOL

Just not sure how to plead in court to the charge of "drunk in charge of an angle grinder"?
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Postby AUTOMAN » Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:57 pm

Hey Edd, I'm looking forward to meeting you as well. A few places to store the cars sounds good as well, as for insurance, its that thing that costs top doller to buy a few bits of paper and when your car is pranged, they say no cash sorry. I will keep time clear in December to meet up. As for you coming over to Wales, no problem, just tell me when.

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Postby kellyharding » Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:27 am

pbottomley wrote:
Its a *Bleep* up :shock: COOL

Just not sure how to plead in court to the charge of "drunk in charge of an angle grinder"?

Just don't complain to me afterwards about a sore head, because I'll just laugh loudly at you!

OH, and no drunken phone calls late at night either ;)

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