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Simply Vauxhall
Mon May 24, 2021 7:59 am
by VampireTigger
17th July up then let me know, we'll meet before entry to come in together
Re: Simply Vauxhall
Mon Jul 05, 2021 7:44 pm
by cooperman
Contact Adrian Miller if you are interested in this event. The show price includes entry to the museum and attractions at Beaulieu so is really good value. Adrians plan is to meet up outside the venue and enter in convoy. Lets give him some support and enjoy a great show
Re: Simply Vauxhall
Mon Jul 12, 2021 9:47 am
by VampireTigger
I needed to get numbers for the club stand to Beaulieu's events team so closed the book on that this morning. Tickets are still available to buy.
Re: Simply Vauxhall
Tue Jul 13, 2021 7:58 pm
by Bob perry
Sorry Adrian, disaster strikes so won't make it!!
I noticed a leak from the heater hose tube in the head. I took the hose off and found the tube rusted out wit holes in it!! Tried to unscrew it and... it snapped off flush in the head!!!!!!!!!!! Arghh !!
Finally managed to get the broken section out, very carefully, with centre punch and small chisel, but there is some damage on the thread at the top.
Looking out for a tap and die to clean the thread and then trying to sort a new screw in connector!
Any idea what that thread size is?
Re: Simply Vauxhall
Tue Jul 13, 2021 9:16 pm
by cooperman
I don't know but would guess bsp, I got some fittings for mine from a local hydraulics company although pneumatic hose connectors will be bsp aswell. good luck
Re: Simply Vauxhall
Thu Jul 15, 2021 4:13 pm
by Bob perry
I finally got out of trouble!!
A mate pointed me to the local American Car Company, as it's GM, he thought they used a similar adaptor on Chevvy Water pumps? Absolutely spot on!!!
The right thread and tapered too, so it missed the first 'slightly' damaged thread and picked up the rest. Loads of sealer and wound it in.. Job done!!!!
North American Car Company Park Road Farnborough, is the place. £8-00 for the unit made by DORMAN products part number 56152. Ask for Paulie.
Give them a try, or p.m. me and I will get one for you.
Re: Simply Vauxhall
Thu Jul 15, 2021 4:20 pm
by VampireTigger
If you are up and running Bob and want to come let me know as our stand has room for ten so I have two club passes left. You still need to pay for entry to the event in advance
Re: Simply Vauxhall
Thu Jul 15, 2021 11:13 pm
by Bob perry
Thanks Adrian and thanks for the offer.
Not exactly up and running properly yet, although I have had her ticking over to test water temp and leaks etc, which seems o.k.
A fair bit of tinkering and re hosing to do now though, as some of them look a bit iffy when I removed them and I also had to by-pass the heater connection for instance, as I didn't realise the on/off valve was seized, and hoses were showing signs of splitting, so that's tomorrows job.
So far I've replaced the temp sender unit, which started all this off, with a second hand one which seems to work, whilst I wait for the modification kit I've ordered from your namesake in Norfolk.
I then discovered the leak at the front hose connector in the head and finally got that sorted, only to discover the faulty heater valve and hoses!! The joy of Viva owning eh?
When I eventually get it all sorted we can have a local run to final road test, before considering a journey of that nature, but I'm sure we will get together sometime.
Enjoy the show.