Bromley Pageant

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Bromley Pageant

Postby dann01 » Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:17 pm

It looks like we now have 2 events for Sunday 15th June.

Scotlands Louden Castle for the north, and The Bromley Pageant for the south.

We are looking at booking a 15 car space (To display 10 cars or more) with a club stand, so the clubs support for this one is essential if we are gonna make this a bumper year.

Entry is via a window hanger for display cars, so if you would like to put your car on the stand, regardless of condition, contact me via letter, or email, perseonal message on the forum, supplying your name, address, and model of car.

On the form it asks, "Theme for the display"

Any suggestions on this?

I dunno, "The good, the bad, and the ugly" Bagsy the ugly one.
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Postby Sandy » Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:48 pm

BUMP!!!!!!!!! This one's this Sunday 15 June in Kent - Paul (Viva2300) and myself will be there! There is a VVOC club stand booked.

Anyone at a loose end on Sunday contact Danny via the Chairman's phone number/email or PM him here dann01 and I am sure he will be more than happy to furnish you with a ticket.

Hope to see some of you there on Sunday

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