Custom graphics, body mods and upholstery retrims

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Custom graphics, body mods and upholstery retrims

Postby Fred Dukes » Wed Feb 05, 2014 10:53 am

I have receive by email - no idea what they are like :roll:

iStyle Cars is an exciting new business which aims to style cars for those car enthusiasts who either want to add a new look to their car, or to be somewhat special and stand out from the crowd.
At the moment, we're concentrating our efforts on vinyl wrapping, this could be either a full/part vehicle wrap or just individual components e.g. wing mirrors or front lip splitter, but we will be venturing into other avenues of car modification such as custom vehicle graphics, body modifications and upholstery retrims.
We have had a passion for working on cars for a long time and want to offer our services to yourself and to your members with a discounted rate.
Please visit our website at to view some of our work, also you can email me at, or alternatively you can call me on 07922822664.

Abeeb Shakoor
Just general dogs body
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Fred Dukes
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Joined: Sun Oct 30, 2005 10:13 am
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Re: Custom graphics, body mods and upholstery retrims

Postby pbottomley » Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:10 pm

stand out from the crowd with fake sticky back plastic carbon look ... more link become a chav in 30 seconds flat and reduce the value of your car 10 fold ....

looks rubbish
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